L. Fournier & Fils wins the prestigious “School Perseverance and Training” award at the 43rd Gala de l’entreprise

Category: Innovation

Date: April 24, 2023


L. Fournier & Fils, a company committed to the promoting continuous education and school perseverance, is proud to announce that it won the “Filon” in the "School perseverance and Training" category at the 43rd “Gala de l’Entreprise”. The event was held last Saturday and was organized by the Val-d'Or Chamber of Commerce. 
This award highlights the importance Fournier places on the ongoing training of its teams and encouraging them to excel academically. The company is honored to have been chosen as the winner of this category, which testifies of its commitment to education and development of its employees. 
For many years, the company has been committed to actively supporting school perseverance through various philanthropic causes. Thus, investing in employee training is a priority, because we firmly believe that education is the key to promoting professional and personal development for everyone. 
L. Fournier & Fils wishes to express its gratitude to the entire organizing committee of the « Gala de l'entreprise » for this memorable evening and for the opportunity to highlight the importance of continuing education and academic perseverance in the professional world. 






Emerson Swallow Président

